Whatever you need to do:
 → An Android headphone
 → Your Android Phone
 → A Soldering Iron
 → If you do not look good then you can follow this method to listen to your Nokia headphones android sound quality and even the bid in the DJ will be much more.

1.Open your headphone button where the pieces of the rubber rubber ↓
nokia head phone solution

2. Then take a look at the following photo that two of them showed with red marks that the two would have to join together! So, it is easy, put it on the sulding, the diameter, ↓
improve headphone sound quality

Those who do not have money, can they? 3. You apply a tape of the glue on the tape of the electric, then put it on the top of it ↓
all my tech trick
Then plug your headphones on your Android phone and listen to the sound and sound sounds, If you do not work, understand that you did not apply well, do not make bad comments for him.